报告人简介:陈志华,男,1984年8月出生,博士,福州大学教授,2014年-2018年期间在中华人民共和国信息产业部电信研究院担任研究员,主要研发物联网、大数据、人工智能、深度学习、行动网络、智能交通等前瞻技术和产品开发。陈志华教授在物联网、大数据、深度学习、移动网络、智能交通等领域共发表近200篇期刊论文、会议论文,成果主要刊登在IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Access等权威期刊,并己获得授权专利50件。陈志华教授目前担任多本SCI期刊客座主编,包含EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking、IEEE Technology and Engineering Education、ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information、Symmetry、Agronomy等。
报告题目: Scheduling Optimisation in Transport Logistics with Big Data(黄锋樟教授)
摘要: In this talk, I will discuss several scheduling optimisation problems in the applications of transport logistics and data science. One of them stems from the container traffic in the underground logistics system (ULS). In order to tackle the increasing internal container traffic in the port of Antwerp, the idea of building a ULS to transfer containers between both banks of the river Scheldt has been proposed and discussed in past years. One type of the ULS consists of two tubular closed loops of conveyors, in which one loop serves the Deurganck dock on the left river bank and the other works for the Churchill dock on the right river bank, as well as a transhipment zone for the container transhipment operations between two tubular closed loops. This study formulates the scheduling problem of container loading and unloading in the transhipment zone as the classical relocation problem, where the capacity of the transhipment zone, the containers for unloading and the containers for loading are mapped onto as the initial resource level, resource requirements and resource yields, respectively. Given an optimisation objective, the scheduling problem is to determine a schedule for loading and unloading all the full or empty containers within the limited capacity of the transhipment zone.
报告人简介:黄锋樟,男,1978年8月出生,博士、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学教授。黄锋樟教授2012年于英国Warwick Business School博士后研究一年,其研究专长包括优化理论与应用、智能物流与运输、工业生产排程、计算智慧,现任职于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学数学与物理科学所、运输研究中心高级讲师,并兼任数学统计学程主任、理学院院务委员。黄锋樟教授在Journal of Scheduling、Annals of Operations Research、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Computers & Operations Research、Discrete Optimization、IEEE Access、Computers & Industrial Engineering等国际SCI Q1期刊上发表多篇论文,并且担任Electronics、EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking、Agronomy、Symmetry等SCI Q2期刊客座编辑。黄锋樟教授曾获2016年澳州运筹学会顶尖青年学者奖提名、2017年美国艾伯特尼尔森成就奖。