报告一:SecureData-Sharing Scheme using Verifiable and CCA-Secure Re-encryption fromcryptographic Obfuscation(张明武教授)15:00—16:30
摘要:Acloud-based re-encryption scheme allows a semi-trusted cloud proxy to convert aciphertext under delegator's public-key into a ciphertext of delegatee's.However, for an untrusted cloud proxy, as the re-encryption program wasoutsourced on the cloud, the cloud can debug the program and might have illegalactivities in practice, such as monitoring the program executing, returning anincorrect re-encryption ciphertext, or colluding with the participants toobtain the sensitive information. In this work, we propose a construction ofcloud-based verifiable re-encryption by incorporating new cryptographicprimitives of indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable pseudorandomfunctions, which can achieve the master-secret security even if the proxycolludes with the delegatee. Furthermore, our scheme can provide the white-boxsecurity in re-encryption procedure to implement the sensitive-data protectionin the presence of white-box access, and it resists on chosen-ciphertextattacks in both the first-level encryption and the second-level encryption. Thedecryption is very efficient since it only requires several symmetric PRFoperations, which can be deployed and applied in the light-weight securitydevice such as Mobile Phones (MPs), Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) andnodes in Internet-of-Things (IoTs).
报告人简介:张明武,博士(后),博士生导师,湖北省“楚天学者”特聘教授。现任湖北工业大学计算机学院副院长、湖北省中小企业大数据工程技术研究中心主任、湖北工业大学工业大数据协同创新中心主任、大数据安全与隐私保护技术研究中心主任。主要研究方向为大数据安全与隐私保护技术、敏感信息泄漏下的安全协议、混淆与系统、工业大数据应用等。近年来主持各类科学研究项目20余项,获得省级科技进步二等奖1项(2003)、三等奖1项(2015),自然科学三等奖1项(2014),武汉市科技进步二等奖1项(2015)。申请专利30余项(已授权16,公开15项),获得软件著作权12项。近年来公开出版学术专著2部(独著), 主(副)编教材6本,在国内外学术期刊和会议上公开发表学术论文100余篇,获得国内外学术会议最佳论文奖4次。
报告二:AnEfficient and Provably Secure Private Polynomial Evaluation Scheme(夏喆副教授)16:30—18:00
摘要:TheCloud computing technologies have not only provided convenience to ordinaryusers, but also cause many new security challenges. Among the applications of CloudComputing, private polynomial evaluation (PPE) allows the service provider tooutsource the computation of a polynomial to the cloud server in a verifiableway. And meanwhile, the polynomial remains hidden to the clients who are ableto query the service. Recently in ProvSec 2017, Bultel et al. have presentedthe formal security definitions for PPE, including polynomial protection (PP),proof unforgeability (UNF) and indistinguishability against chosen functionattack (IND-CFA). They have introduced a PPE scheme that satisfies all theseproperties, and they have shown that a polynomial commitment scheme inAsiacrypt 2010, called PolyCommit, enjoys these properties as well. In thispaper, we introduce another provably secure PPE scheme, which not only hascomputational advantages over these two existing ones, but also relies on amuch weaker security assumption. Moreover, we further explore how our PPEscheme can be implemented in the distributed fashion, so that a number of cloudservers jointly response to the query, but none of them could learn thepolynomial unless they all collude.
报告人简介:夏喆,男,1982年7月出生,博士、武汉理工大学副教授、硕士生导师。2009年获得英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)博士学位,2009年至2013年在英国萨里大学进行博士后研究,2017年至2018年在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong)进行访问学习,主要研究方向为密码学和安全协议。夏喆近年来在国际期刊/会议发表学术论文40余篇,曾担任澳大利亚学术委员会(ARC)信息安全方向评审及EVT,RE-VOTE, VOTE-ID 等国际学术会议程序委员会委员(PC Member)。目前担任国际期刊《Journal ofInformation Security and Application》的副主编(Associate Editor),以及多个信息安全专刊的编委。